donnio's online portfolio
A sample of some of my work. Enjoy!
5x7 127a 5x7 Birthing Day 8x12 169b 5x7 175c BnW-tint02
5x7 214aBnW 2008-11-09 198b 8x10 2008-11-09 013cWmat 5x7 073b
5x7 091c 086b6 ROUND-blur 080b -TearDrop -blurred DSCN5345eFantasy
18 8xx12 Alice on Zerbra W-Oscar 2010 - 09-26 199cDragon Lady -01 8x12 Dragon Baby in Oval-DB
2010 - 09-26 128a3 4x6 133 -02 Heart n Hands -03b 4x6 Winged Angel-02